Hello friends, today we have brought for all of you an online test of important questions of English Grammar One-word Substitution MCQ Questions. All these questions are very important for competitive exams.
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One-word Substitution MCQ Questions Online Test | English Grammar Exercises
Q. A period of 1000 years
A. Millennium
B. Centenary
C. Century
D. Sexagenarian
Answer: Option D
Q. Animals that live both on land and water
A. Amphibian
B. Aquatic
C. Apiary
D. Abattoir
Answer: Option A
Q. Too much official formality
A. Bureaucracy
B. Red-tapism
C. Diplomacy
D. Autocracy
Answer: Option B
Q. That which cannot be avoided
A. Inevitable
B. Irreparable
C. Incomparable
D. Indisputable
Answer: Option A
Q. The custom of having many wives
A. Misogamy
B. Bigamy
C. Polygamy
D. Monogamy
Answer: Option C
Q. One who belives in the power of fate
A. Fatalist
B. Optimist
C. Pessimist
D. Parsimonious
Answer: Option A
Q. A person who loves everybody
A. Cosmopolitan
B. Fratricide
C. Altruistic
D. Aristocrat
Answer: Option C
Q. One who cannot easily pleased
A. Cosmopolitan
B. Frightening
C. Fastidious
D. Feminist
Answer: Option C
Q. A person who is indifferent to pains and pleasures of life
A. Stoic
B. Sadist
C. Psychiatrist
D. Aristocrat
Answer: Option A
Q. A disease which spread by contact
A. Incurable
B. Infectious
C. Contagious
D. Fatal
Answer: Option C
Q. A remedy for all diseases
A. Narcotics
B. Antiseptic
C. Panacea
D. Lyric
Answer: Option C
Q. The act of washing oneself
A. Ablutions
B. Solutions
C. Steaming
D. Bathing
Answer: Option A
Q. A very expensive and elaborately built tomb
A. Mausoleum
B. Cemetery
C. Mosque
D. Masterpiece
Answer: Option A
Q. One who abandons his religious faith
A. Apostate
B. Prostate
C. Profane
D. Agnostic
Answer: Option A
Q. Commencement of words with the same letter:
A. Theist
B. Heretic
C. Atheist
D. Fanatic
Answer: Option C
Q. Story of old time gods or hero’s is
A. Lyric
B. Epic
C. Legend
D. Romance
Answer: Option C

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